Astrology gives us the gift of divine perspective
A glimpse into a higher design of trials, explorations, and lessons all woven together with the purpose of transformation and soul growth as individuals and as a collective.
Witchcraft gives us the gift of tangible divine practice
A way of life that allows us to connect the magick to the mundane, to harness and work with the soul purpose we discover through spiritual exploration.
Astrology + Witchcraft, when practiced together, therefore amplify one another and further expand their potential.
And one of the simplest ways to begin intertwining these together is working with the planetary rulers of the days of the week in your magickal routines and rituals.
Daily cosmic witchcraft can be as simple as inviting the ruler of whatever day it currently is to join in on whatever spiritual practice you're already doing, so don't overthink things! But I also know how fun and helpful it can be to get to know and work with a new spiritual entity on a deeper level, so I wanted to be give us all the opportunity to really explore each of the major planets to encourage your own natural practice to form on its own.

Monday, ruled by the Moon
This is the planetary body of our emotional experience: our feelings, empathy, and reactions. How we perceive emotions, and anticipate & meet emotional needs.
Astro Quick Facts:
Role: Our emotional experience
Element: Water 🜄
Rules/Domicile: Cancer ♋🦀
Detriment/Opposite: Capricorn ♑🐐
Generation: Inner/Personal planet
Day of the Week: Monday

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It's quite fitting that we begin on Mondays with the Moon because other than planet Earth itself, the Moon and the Sun are probably the two celestials we "feel" or recognize our experience with the most. And this makes sense, because the Earth revolves around the Sun, and it is the central key to our Solar System—we're definitely going to notice our connection to the Sun.
Our connection to the Moon is probably just as strong, but in a very different way—the Moon revolves around us, the Earth. In many ways this is why the Moon is so associated with caregiving and nurturing, because it's always watching over us.
Now because the Moon transits the entire Zodiac in about 28 days, changing signs every 2 1/2 days or so, the Moon also shows us how often we are moving through cycles, nothing is truly permanent, and that all stages in life have ebb and flow.
On Mondays, ask yourself:
How can I be present with my feelings without completely letting go of the wheel?
Feelings = a guide; emotions are neither good nor bad, but simply indicators. Mondays are a great day to work on emotional recognition, release, and regulation.
Balancing self & others - part of our emotional experience is not just how we feel- we are also impacted by how we perceive emotions outside of ourselves too. Meaningful connections require compassionate and respectful balance of one another's feelings. Mondays are an excellent time for dedicating our nurturing to where it is needed most. Sometimes that's for people we care about, sometimes that's for ourselves.
You might be more *sensitive* - lean into that, work with your intuition. When I notice I'm feeling "sensitive" emotionally, I remember that means I'm feeling sensitive in other ways too. If I can get to a regulated, grounded headspace, I like to lean into that sensitivity and pay extra special attention to my intuition on those kinds of days. And according to my journal, more often than not, those happen to be Mondays ;)
Cyclical living day - use Monday as a home base or baseline day if you can, how you can. Living truly cyclically can be extremely challenging in such a linear society--I certainly haven't been able to perfectly accomplish it. But my lunar magick is one of the best ways to hit the reset button when I'm stuck in a linear-thinking mode, and using Monday as a home base to go within, get back to my cycles, Earth's cycles, astrological cycles, now that has been a game changer. Stop beating yourself up for "straying" or "getting off track" and give yourself the gift of a reset button with unlimited uses - when you're feeling astray, when you're feeling lost, when you're feeling off-track, remember the cycles of the moon. Remember all stages ebb and flow, and this is one of those ebbs or flows. The moon may represent inevitable ups and downs, but it sure provides us with the stability and consistency of those always-changing cycles, doesn't it?
Seen, Heard, Valued, Loved - who and what makes you feel that way? How do you help other people feel that way? This is a really excellent mindset to tap into on Mondays because the answers to these questions help you better meet your own needs. Because so many people struggle with recognizing and fulfilling their own personal needs, they tend to go neglected for years and even lifetimes. Don't overcomplicate it and ask these simple questions instead. These are especially helpful for those days you're having a hard time deciding what to do, where to go, or who to be around.

Check your chart:
-Look at the sign your moon is in.
-What planet rules that sign?
-Your moon is in _________ and ruled by _________.
--Look at which house your moon placement is in.
--What sign rules that house in your chart? --What planet rules that sign?
--The area of life your emotions are most centered in is the _________ House, which is in the sign of _________ and ruled by the planet _________.
---Do you have any aspects to your moon placement in your natal chart?
---Are there any current transits aspecting your natal moon?
---Is the current transiting moon aspecting any parts of your natal chart?
^ ^ ^ What To Do With Any or All of the Above:
Ultimately, your intuition is going to be the best guide here, of course. I find that it's best to keep these lunar concepts in mind, and take that knowledge into my Monday and let it permeate how I spend my time.
Lunar Magick Activities:
Water - work with the water element in your magick, in your tarot deck (Cups), your water placements, etc. You can also bathe, wash, clean, swim, splash, and hydrate.
Cooking - food can nurture and nourish in so many ways. Plus this is perfect both as a solo activity, and with/for others.
Homey/family vibes - get cozy, get comfy, get nostalgic. Take care of you, take care of your space. Call people you miss, or connect with and honor those who have passed on. Get wholesome and get traditional - in whatever ways feel good and right for you.
Sleep/recharge - this, along with hydrating and feeding ourselves, is one of those too-simple ones that we overlook all the time. Take your nap, go to bed early, sleep in late. Get that rest, friend.
Emotional or material purge - think about it - the full moon is an excellent time for release, so why not bring this concept into your Moonday? Cry it out, scream into a pillow, write the angry letter and burn it, sing at the top of your lungs, bury the jar, blow the dust into the wind, and let yourself get rid of any material belongings that are no longer serving you or your home.
Divination - this list could be endless. Read tarot/oracle, use your pendulum, your spirit board, practice astro channeling, meditate, scry, create sigils, write spells, pray, etc. Open up to your intuition, and listen.
Cleansing - from house cleaning to energetic cleansing, lunar magick is an excellent time for purifying your space and your aura.
Protection - two images associated with the Moon (and its domicile sign, Cancer) that immediately come to mind: the protective mama bear, and the hard outer shell of the crab. Protection is a potent energy we can tap into the moon for.
Inner/personal power - for tens of thousands of millennia, the moon has been a worshipped and revered for its ability to connect us to our own divinity and inner power. Lunar-following societies were among the earliest of our human species, and this connection to the moon is still strong and serving today.
Shadow work - the phases of the moon are themselves a symbol for cycles of shadow and light. Utilize this symbolism and energy to work with your own darkness and shadows, and allow it to bring you back into the light, then back into the shadow, as needed all throughout your spiritual journey.
Ancestral work - because of the ancient and deeply human roots in lunar magick, this is excellent for doing any kind of ancestral or lineage work. This can be connecting with ancestors, doing research on your family history, learning more about your ancestors' culture, etc. I personally recommend meditating with your ancestors and asking them how they would like to be honored and connected with!
Generational healing - whether it's working with your inner child, doing shadow work around generational patterns and trauma, or just doing something that pioneers healing for your generational line, the moon is a beautiful overseer for this kind of work.
Certain movements *needed* right now, etc. - what does your body NEED? Not your goals, not your ideals, not your future self stuff. No, what does your body and mind need today, right now? If your body needs movement, what kind would feel the most supportive for your energy on this day? Do you have a lot of excess your need to burn off? Are you feeling heavy and slow, but needing some soft, smooth stretching? Tune-in and listen, then deliver as best you can.
To sum up:
There is no wrong way to work with moon magick. I hope this lesson serves as a helpful base or starting point that inspires you to allow your own natural lunar practice to evolve and grow over time. Get curious, and get excited. It's fun to work closely with a planet or a celestial body, and to see how your unique connection unfolds in your spiritual practice and in your life.
Comment below if this was helpful for you, and any other questions you have about working with the moon!

This is definitely going to help me re-design my Mondays!!! I want to shift some work to Saturn-days anyway since town is too busy to enjoy :D